Sunday, June 29, 2008

Girls Camp

Girls Camp is definitely a highlight for our family, or at least most of our family. This year Dad, Julie, Amy, and I all left to go to camp and left Mom with the kids. Luckily, we all survived. I had to go up as a leader since I got kicked out of Young Womens a couple of weeks ago. It's really weird to be a leader and go to Relief Society... but I digress.
Camp was amazing! It's so beautiful up there. And you can feel the Spirit so strongly.

Just for the record, we slept in tents. This is just a broken old cabin that's on the hike.

We went up the weekend before camp to help set up and get ready for the girls to come up. We had church on Sunday, complete with Sacrament Meeting and everything. Amy gave a talk. All of us girls sang. Julie taught Relief Society/Priesthood/Young Womens/Primary. This picture is everybody during Julie's lesson.

Dad and Julie on a hike

Dad's most famous attire at camp- with his chainsaw

One special addition to camp this year was the slip-n-slide. However, Dad wasn't too happy about this since it wasn't an "approved" activity. But everyone involved agreed that it was a very unifying and uplifting experience. We even had spiritual analogies to go along with it.

I almost forgot to mention this. On the way down the mountain, miracles took place such that we ended up being able to help our stake young womens president and her husband when their truck broke down. Dad took her husband to town to get a tow truck and we waited on the side of the mountain. Our only provisions- these red vines and a couple granola bars. The interesting thing that I would like to note is that of the 165 cars that passed us while we were stranded, only two cars stopped to see if everything was alright. Next time I have to give a talk in church, I'm going to talk about charity and use this story! :)

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