Sunday, January 22, 2012

Polar Bear Club: Round Two

Clearly with Linda on her mission, the blog is neglected.
But even with Linda gone, we still held the, now annual, Polar Bear dives on Thanksgiving and New Years.
Many new members were initiated during this second annual event.
Uncle Bill's family was visiting for Thanksgiving and many of them joined in on the dive (one of which made the swim look like a casual summer pool-time fun), as well as our good friends, Tanner and Jessie Grossman. I even participated in both dives, although I'm still certain I need to have my sanity checked on. Here are a few pictures of the momentous occasions.
The water was 52 degrees on Thanksgiving and 42 degrees on New Years (technically the day after New Years)! We are definitely a little crazy, but it was so fun!                                    

Most of the Thanksgiving Polar Bear Club Members (we're missing Robert)

This crazy one was in the pool for about an hour. He was enjoying the freezing water way too much.

The New Years Polar Bearers. Me, Tanner, and Dad. (Robert also took a swim.)
**   Not all pictured officially accomplished the club initiation

1 comment:

Jeri said...

Oh, brrrr! You guys are NUTS!
Love you!