Sunday, September 12, 2010

School is in session

We have successfully begun a new school year. Julie isn't in school, but her husband Nathan is. Robert is taking a lighter schedule with only one science class (so maybe he'll have more time for dating?). I'm in my last semester of organic chemistry (Hooray!!!) but have started my first semester of physics (yikes!). Amy is a senior in high school (wasn't she thirteen yesterday?). She's taking 3 AP classes, doing student council, and driving across town every morning at 5:30 so she can make it to seminary on time. Richard has started at a new high school, but Mom seems happy with his teachers and aids. The same can't be said of the aids/bus driver for Jimmy. He and Kristi are going to the same elementary school but since Jimmy's in a special program he rides the bus. Mom got it ok'd for Kristi to ride with him, but the bus people won't let them sit together. They have to sit on different benches (we can't figure out why either). But Kristi is enjoying having her cousin in her class and is taking a ballet/tap class. Jimmy loves his new teacher, who happens to be in our ward.

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