Sunday, April 5, 2009

Singing, cycling, and climbing

The youngest of the Davis clan have recently been expanding their talents.
Jimmy has really been doing well at learning to sing, and we can definitely see how much it's helping his vocabulary. He's got all of Twinkle, Twinkle... well, almost.

Kristi recently taught herself to ride a bike and thoroughly enjoys doing it whatever chance she gets. She has become bored just riding in our yard, and tries to get someone to take her out from so she can ride on the street. After conference yesterday I took her to the elementary school so she could ride for a while. She thought she was in heaven. She is also very proud of the fact that she recently taught herself to climb one of the trees in our backyard. So now she's always up in the tree pretending to ride a horse.


Sydney said...

SOOOOOOOO cute, all of you!!!

<3 Sydney

Sydney said...

BTW, Sull got a job in the Navy and is leaving in late July.