Monday, September 1, 2008

How many wigs can one Linda make?

I've been growing my hair out for at least a year in the hopes of donating it to Locks of Love. I figured with as much hair as I have, they could make two or three wigs. And I finally decided it was time to do it. Your hair has to be at least 10 inches for them to be able to use it, so I've had to wait a while to get that much length. It was really weird when she first cut it. I kept thinking, "What am I doing? This is a huge mistake!" But once it was all over and I got to see how much hair I was able to donate, I felt really good about it.



My hair looked like a little squirrel sitting on the table.


It was a big shock to lose that much hair at once, but I've really enjoyed it. You can do so much more with short hair and it's really quick and easy to style.

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