Sunday, August 31, 2008

Summer Activities

We've been pretty busy this summer (that's why I haven't been updating this blog as much as I should). Mom and I have been teaching Sunday school classes- Mom has Gospel Doctrine and I have Gospel Essentials. Dad's been hard at work at the office and in the Stake presidency. We had stake conference a couple weeks ago, and Elder Robert D. Hales and Elder Martino came. So we all got introduced to them since Dad's got an in. Here are a few other things that have been going on:

Learning Spanish (he's trying to say 'pantalones')

Jimmy learning to jump off the diving board/swim

Kristi diving. It was really fun to watch her learn to dive since she couldn't really grasp the concept of your feet going in last.

Here are some other fun family pictures of swimming:


Driel said...

Wow! You have been busy. The subway looks scary. Where it that at?

That is so cool that you teach gospel essentials. How is that going?

Linda said...

The Subway is in Zion National Park.
Gospel Essentials is going better now. It's still weird since I'm so much younger than everyone I'm teaching. Plus, I usually have the bishop and the missionaries, so I feel like they should be teaching, not me.