Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy visited us last night.
Yesterday Jimmy was eating apple slices outside. Suddenly he ran back inside screaming bloody murder. You would have thought his leg was bleeding. His bottom tooth was loose and was barely hanging on. But Jimmy wouldn't let anyone pull it. Later that day we went to a bonfire with some friends. Jimmy walked over with something in his hand and exclaimed,"I pulled my tooth!" He got a special note from the tooth fairy for being so brave to pull his own tooth. (pictures to follow)

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year's Adventures

We have a tradition of playing Rivers, Roads and Rails on New Year's Eve. This year was our best game yet! For those of you that haven't played before, it is very difficult to keep the tiles this compact and we have never before been able to do a closed-circuit train track.

We have joined the Polar Bear Club by doing a dip in our NOT HEATED pool on New Year's Day
Official Polar Bear Club Application Accepted